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Do India needs reservation ?

Let me start with what The Indian constitution talk about, 
  1. Through Article 15 related to prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, gender or place of birth but State can make ANY special provision for the advancement of ANY socially and educationally backward classes of citizens. 
  2. Similarly, article 16 which deals with equality in opportunity in matters of public employment (Government jobs), the similar freedom to state have been given.
In current scenario there are many states which had reserved seats in various educational institution, and Public Jobs. Many people today is debating on whether there should be reservation or not. 

If there should be reservation, then few question arises to my mind that to what extent, to what fields, to what classes, and to what percentage the reservation should be there?
If there should be no reservation, then are we in the state of equality?

Can we as a country afford cancellation of reservation altogether? The reason that why I am asking this is because today our society is still very unequal, 
  1. Social instability: There are still cases of riots in India. 
  2. Economic inequality: There are only 3.81% of Indians pay tax (FirstPost)
  3. Discrimination on jobs related to gender is still present.
  4. Only 74% people are literate which is below the world average of 84%.
It is due to reservation that different people can raise problems and rise in society.

The concept of no reservation will only work when there is equality in true sense i.e. 
  1. Equality in income, 
  2. Equality of status, 
  3. Equality in getting all kind of services, and 
  4. Most importantly equality in mentality of all citizen for others.
The constitution has provided the path of reservation to get participation of all social groups and community in positions like government jobs, education sector, and various other field. 

This is unfortunate that I have to write this blog on a issue that whether there should be reservation or not, instead of talking about the way to increase education institutions which are equal in providing same kind of quality learning, instead of talking about increasing positions in government jobs. I am afraid we are getting into the world where we talk about removing constitutional right to Represent.

The society some people are imagining for huge country like India where they imagine that there should be no reservation, it is just like grooming only cream layer to higher post, less intelligent to lower post and not at all intelligent to clerical work of society.

At the end the thought of no reservation will end up with virtual reservation of people who are intelligent and all others.

What should be a proper path to reservation:
  1. Our states should re-think on definition of backward class that whether now those who are no more backward shall enjoy benefit of reservation or not. 
  2. The definition of reserved category needs amendment and those community & caste which now are in good position and could take care of their society without reservation shall be removed from reservation and those who are actually in need needs to be added. 
  3. Why cannot we make reservation on merit basis? For example on individual basis or group of people should be investigated before giving benefit of reservation. A study must be done, research must be done on the population of reserved categories that what are the real state of their living, education and economical statuses of so called backward class. If they are economically backward, there should be a platform for giving opportunity to grow and if if they are not, then allow them to participate as general.
  4. Why cannot we make more educational institution where students get equal kind of education quality so that it makes an end of Ostrich race to get best college, state should direct their funds on building educational institutes, allowing quality teachers to teach and paying them better amount. Today, when we talk about technology, centralized education systems, learning management systems are being highly used by many private players in education, why shouldn't government follow the same?
  5. Why cannot we make more public jobs vacancies by investing on more domestic government industries of various products which we import, why government do rely on only private sector, why cannot be a public private partnership program at large.
So at end, I leave you with thought that whether our country needs to discuss on reservation or development?


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