New Course To be updated Old Course 1 (a) Section 123(1) + Rule 3 Declaration of dividend out of reserve in case of inadequate or no profits 1 (b) (i) Exemption of rule 6. However only for CFS when all its other members have been intimated in writing and for which the proof of delivery of such intimation is available with the company, and do not object to the company not presenting consolidated financial statement, securities are not listed or not in the process of listing on any stock exchange and its ultimate or any intermediate holding company files CFS with the registrar which are following the applicable AS> Opinion CFS is applicable 1 (b) (ii) Term of auditor and rotation for auditor seciton 139(2) and rule 5 class of companies Every listed company or unlisted public company having paid up share capital more than or equal to Rs. 10 crores shall not reappoint individual as auditor for more than 1 term of 5 consecutive years and firm as auditor for more than 2 terms of 5 consecu...