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Showing posts from March, 2018

Do India needs reservation ?

Let me start with what The Indian constitution talk about,  Through  Article 15  related to prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, gender or place of birth but State can make  ANY   special provision  for the advancement of  ANY   socially and educationally backward classes  of citizens.  Similarly, article 16 which deals with equality in opportunity in matters of public employment (Government jobs), the similar freedom to state have been given. In current scenario there are many states which had reserved seats in various educational institution, and Public Jobs. Many people today is debating on whether there should be reservation or not.  If there should be reservation, then few question arises to my mind that to what extent, to what fields, to what classes, and to what percentage the reservation should be there? If there should be no reservation, then are we in the state of equality? ...

We have mobile in every hand but not education

Many times I have thought that why our country is lagging behind education and when I analyse it I found a contradictory situation that in our country specially in Urban area, we all have mobile phones in our hands, we have internet connections but there's no education. So why did this happen in our country ? Is there everything going correct ? We are able to supply mobile phone to everyone for nearly no cost but not 100% literacy. In the country coaching centers are growing so extensively and the private centers are developing themselves many times folded than actual job generation. Students are now more focused on memorizing concepts than understanding concepts. I always hear from my friends that you can find anything on internet, about any topic, about any question. So It means if one truly wants to get educated, he can easily do it by searching on net. My more concern is why a quality education cannot be provided to each and every child. Some of the reasons I coul...